Lotus People and one of our sister agencies, SustainHealth, spent the morning with the Wesley Mission who visited our offices to teach us about homelessness in Sydney. It is scary to think that over 115,000 people in Australia are experiencing homelessness, six in ten people experiencing homelessness are women and people aged 12 – 24 make up 32% of homeless people.
Unfortunately, the issue is rife but with the help and support of organizations like the Wesley Mission, we as individuals can make a difference.
Today, we took part in the homeless food challenge, where we had to spend $10 each to feed a homeless person for three days. We took to the streets of Sydney to buy food and also asked stores, restaurants and pharmacies to donate to the cause and in the space of 30 minutes, we had obtained over $400 worth of free produce – it was amazing to see such generosity from people, and it was a really eye opening experience.
The charity are always seeking toiletries for the homeless so we have now set up a permanent collection box in our office to allow team members to donate.
It was a really insightful morning working with a really great business – a huge thanks to our own Martiza for taking the lead with this and coordinating the day.
#payitforward #homelessfoodchallenge @welseymission
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