I have been in recruitment now for just over two years and have learned many things about the job, industry, people, and myself. Recruitment is amazingly rewarding, sometimes disappointing, fast, slow, surprising, and fun and it has taught me the following three lessons;
This is a must for me! I pride myself on being honest and genuine in work and in everyday life. Specifically, within recruitment, the most important thing is to be honest especially with clients and candidates. Whether it’s giving feedback to a candidate in an interview process or updating your clients in the process of their recruit, it will always be a better outcome to be transparent. I always appreciate it when people are honest and open with me and want to give the same respect to others. This leads nicely into the next point;
2. Communicate clearly
Effective communication is something that is paramount and can be the difference of being good at what you do versus being great at what you do. Communication is just as important through all different medians such as email, over the phone and in person. I personally prefer in person as tone and expression is a big part of effective communication, but when that is not always possible, being able to communicate effectively via other avenues is key.
3. Weaknesses are okay
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, but it’s about recognising them both and really embracing what you’re good at and learning about how you can improve on your weaker areas. Being able to recognise when you need that extra training session or asking your team members for help will really help you personally and professionally. We all may have felt that you need to show your best side all of the time and never your faults but I truly believe opening up and wanting to learn will only make you stronger.
It has been an amazing ride so far and I am very much looking forward to the years to come in recruitment!
If you are looking for work or looking for staff, please reach to us on info@lotuspeople.com.au or us call on 02 8274 4635
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