On Friday 20th September, Lotus joined an estimated 300,000 Australians across the country to strike for climate change. As an organisation who cares deeply about our environment and its future, at 10am, we diverted the phones, prepared our picket signs and headed across the Harbour Bridge to join the strike in The Domaine.
Our signs ‘the seas are rising and so are we’ and ‘flowers not fossil fuels’ were among thousands of other witty slogans, created by passionate individuals who want their voices heard. Walking over the Harbour Bridge, looking out across the beautiful harbour conjured up mixed emotions. Feelings of love and admiration for our beautiful country were met with fear, if action isn’t taken soon, the country and our lifestyles as we know it will be changed forever.
Upon reaching The Domaine, we could feel a real sense of community. Surrounded by people from all walks of life, it was inspiring to see everyone come together for such an important cause. The rally was led by two incredible 16-year old’s whose sincere passion really solidified the importance of standing up to our world leaders.
It was uplifting to hear 2,500 Australian businesses took part in the strikes, with many signing the ‘Not Business as Usual’ pledge, supporting worker participation in the strike. Whilst the Lotus team do our best in the office and our personal lives to ‘live green’, we understand putting pressure on our government is integral if, as a nation, we are going to see real change. Erica Chenoweth, a political scientist at Harvard University has studied non-violent, civil resistance movements throughout history with the conclusion that, when 3.5% of the population actively participates in protests, serious political change is likely to ensue.
We are hopeful the climate strike will be a turning point in the way our global leaders approach the impending threat of climate change. As a company, and as individuals, we will continue to do all we can to fight for our beautiful earth.
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